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    Prediction Albacete vs Racing Ferrol : Analysis of the match

    Last update : 25/03/2024
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    Welcome to this riveting rendezvous of sport set to unfold at the illustrious Estadio Carlos Belmonte. Today, we turn our attention to the much-awaited clash between two dynamic forces on the football landscape – Albacete and Racing Ferrol. In an attempt to predict the outcome of this thrilling confrontation, we delve into a detailed analysis, taking into consideration the current form, past encounters, player performances and more. This Albacete Racing Ferrol prognostication takes you through a comprehensive overview, providing insights into what to expect from this engaging encounter. So stay tuned as we embark on this exciting journey, fuelled by fervour, anticipation and the sheer love for the beautiful game.

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    Winflix Algorithm

    Prediction Albacete Racing Ferrol on 25/03/2024 in Segunda Division

    Find the best prediction Albacete Racing Ferrol Can prove to be a complicated task. With Winflix, we offer you numerous tools and statistical analyses based on the form of Albacete and Racing Ferrol. The Winflix VIP members have access to exclusive predictions which have been established from reliable probabilities and advanced algorithms. With Winflix, you follow, you win.

    Odds and previsions

    Result of the match prediction Albacete Racing Ferrol on 25/03/2024

    The upcoming match between Albacete and Racing Ferrol looks set to be an intriguing affair, if we were to take into consideration the bookmakers odds. With a prediction algorithm derived from over 20,000 matches, we can get a clearer picture of prospective outcomes.

    The current odds favor an Albacete win, priced at 1.90, while a draw is at 3.25 and a Racing Ferrol victory is valued at a slightly higher 4.20. Based on these odds, it’s more likely that either the match will result in a draw or an Albacete victory, which comes at a compacted odds of 1.17. Alternatively, the odds of either a draw or Racing Ferrol taking the victory stand at 1.87.

    When it comes to goals, the bookmakers predict a moderately low-scoring affair, as indicated by the odds for under 1.5 goals in the match at 2.65 and over 1.5 goals being less priced at 1.45. The odds for under 2.5 goals and over 2.5 goals stand at 1.55 and 2.35 respectively, while extreme outcomes like above 3.5 goals are less likely with odds of 4.75. The odds for both teams scoring are at 2.10, while the likelihood of both teams not scoring is slightly favored, at 1.68.

    This account is based on statistical history and odds, and whilst it can predict potential outcomes, the actual results always depend on the day’s performance. One thing’s for sure, it’s set to be an absorbing encounter.

    Résult of the match
    Bet option :Albacete win the game
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Draw
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Racing Ferrol win the game
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Albacete or draw
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Racing Ferrol or draw
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Goals number of the match
    Bet option :+1,5 goals in the game
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :+2,5 goals in the game
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :-3,5 goals in the game
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :-4,5 goals in the game
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Both teams score : Yes
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Both teams score : No
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Double chance and number of goals
    Bet option :Albacete or draw & +1,5 goals
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Racing Ferrol or draw & +1,5 goals
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Albacete or draw & -3,5 goals
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Racing Ferrol or draw & -3,5 goals
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Live & Match Infos

    Live match : Everything you need to know about Albacete Racing Ferrol !

    To ensure you miss nothing from the match Albacete Racing Ferrol, Winflix offers you to follow live the lineups, actions, and statistics of this match on 25/03/2024 in Segunda Division. Lineups are generally available 30 min to 1 hour before the start of the match.

    Teams Lineups : Albacete vs Racing Ferrol

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    Lineup Albacete

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    Lineup Racing Ferrol

    Highlights of Albacete Racing Ferrol on 25/03/2024

    Miss no key moments during the match Albacete Racing Ferrol on 25/03/2024 at Estadio Carlos Belmonte stadium.

    26'Alberto Quiles
    39'Carlos Isaac
    46'Agus MedinaRiki Rodríguez
    50'Álvaro Giménez
    57'Iker Losada
    63'Rai MarchánHiginio Marín
    71'Alex LópezFrancisco De La Manzanara
    73'Juanma GarcíaFidel
    77'Moises DelgadoBrais Martínez
    78'Álvaro GiménezSabin Merino
    85'Alberto QuilesAntonio Pacheco
    85'Julio AlonsoJonathan Silva
    87'Nico SerranoHeber Pena Picos
    88'Iker LosadaManu Justo
    90'Brais Martínez
    90'Heber Pena Picos

    Live statistics for the Albacete Racing Ferrol match

    All the statistics for the match Albacete versus Racing Ferrol are displayed right here when they are available live.

    logo team
    Racing Ferrol
    logo team
    Total of shots
    Shots on goal
    Shots off goal
    Corners Kicks
    Average Passes
    Total Passes
    Passes Accurate
    Total Fouls
    Yellow Cards
    Red Cards
    Statistics and predictions 1VS1

    1X2 Prediction : Form comparison Albacete vs Racing Ferrol !

    Analyzing the form of both Albacete and Racing Ferrol can give us some interesting insights leading up to their match. Based on their most recent performances, there seems to be a slight advantage in favor of one team.

    In their last five home games, Albacete has shown somewhat inconsistent performance. Their record includes two wins, two draws, and one loss. It appears that they perform quite well at times at home with an average score of 1.1 goals per match, nonetheless, they are also prone to conceding goals given that they’ve let in a total of 5 goals in their past 5 matches.

    On the other hand, Racing Ferrol’s away game performance exhibits less consistency. Out of their last five matches on the road, they’ve managed just two wins with three losses. While they’ve scored in two of their last five matches, it’s worth noticing that they have failed to score in the other three.

    Based on the recent form, Albacete seems to have an upper hand in this comparison. Their relative stability at home, shown by their ability to score in four out of their last five matches, gives them a notable edge. However, Racing Ferrol’s ability to upset the home team, evidenced by their two recent away wins, should also be taken into consideration during the analysis. This makes the upcoming match between Albacete and Racing Ferrol highly anticipated, with slight advantage towards Albacete given the data available.

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    Form comparison Albacetein its last 5 games

    %Team form

    In its last 5 matches the team Albacete has wins, draws and defeats, if you are looking for a prediction on this match, you must take into account that the team Albacete has a form rated at %.

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    Form comparison Racing Ferrolin its last 5 games

    %Forme de l'équipe

    In its last 5 matches the team Racing Ferrol a wins, draws and defeats, if you are looking for a prediction on this match, you must take into account that the team Racing Ferrol has a form rated at %.

    outils winflixUse the unique tools by Winflix and win all your sports bets !See tools
    Prediction Albacete Racing Ferrol
    Based on the form of the teams: advantage for Racing Ferrol
    Tool to use : Wincomparator

    Compare the form of the teams by the goal differences for all of today's matches

    Goals predictions and stats

    Number of goals prediction for Albacete vs Racing Ferrol !

    In the upcoming match between Albacete and Racing Ferrol, there are several factors to consider when analyzing the performance of both teams. On the one hand, we have Albacete who, in their last 5 games, have shown an average scoring record of 1.4 goals per match. This implies that their offensive potential is at a 50% rate, which clearly demonstrates their healthy striking prowess and ability to penetrate opposition defenses.

    In contrast to this, we have Racing Ferrol coming into this game, boasting an average of 1 goal per match based on their last 5 games. While this may be slightly under their opponent’s tally, their offensive potential stands at 36% which represents a solid striking performance that should not be overlooked by their opponents.

    On the defensive end, Albacete seems to have a bit of a struggle, with a defensive potential rated at 57%, conceding an average of 1.6 goals in their recent 5 matches. Nonetheless, the team’s defense has been resilient enough to withstand the pressure.

    Racing Ferrol, however, has shown a more solid defense with a potential of 43%, having conceded an average of 1.2 goals per match in their last 5 games. Their defensive strategies and deflection attempts demonstrate their ability to restrict their opponents from exploiting their goal.

    Taking into consideration the offensive and defensive potentials of both sides, this game is expected to have an average number of goals scored. When these offensive and defensive capabilities are pitted against each other, we could expect the goal tally to be in the 2 to 3 range for this particular match. However, it’s important to note that the actual match events may shape out differently and these predictions are merely based on past performances and current potentials.

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    Goal average Albacetethis football season

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    Goals scored by Albacete in the last 5 matches

    goals per game
    %Offensive potential

    Number of goals scored prediction Albacete
    Albacete scored goals in the last 5 matches, for an average of goals per game. Its offensive potential on the attack is %.

    logo team

    Goals conceded by Albacetein the last 5 matches

    goals per game
    %Defensive potential

    Number of goals conceded prediction Albacete
    Albacete conceded goals in the last 5 matches, for an average of goals per game. Its defensive potential on the defense is %.

    logo team

    Goal average Racing Ferrolthis football season

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    Goals scored Racing Ferrolin the last 5 matches

    goals per game
    %Offensive potential

    Number of goals scored prediction Racing Ferrol
    Racing Ferrol scored goals in the last 5 matches, for an average of goals per game. Its offensive potential on the attack is %.

    logo team

    Goals conceded by Racing Ferrolin the last 5 matches

    goals per game
    %Defensive potential

    Number of goals conceded prediction Racing Ferrol
    Racing Ferrol conceded goals in the last 5 matches, for an average of goals per game. Its defensive potential on the defense is %.

    Conclusion : What’s the prediction on the number of goals?

    From a purely mathematical prediction standpoint, based on the results of the last 5 football matches played by Albacete and Racing Ferrol, we should have a total of goals in this match.

    total goals according to statsApprox. goals in the match
    Tool to use : Wingoal

    Compare Over/Under 2.5 for all of today's matches and filter by odds.

    Exact result prediction

    Exact result predictions Albacete Racing Ferrol : all result probabilities

    Analyzing the upcoming match between Albacete and Racing Ferrol, we need to consider both offensive and defensive tendencies of the two teams to forecast the probable exact score.

    Albacete boasts an average of 1.4 goals per match based on their last 5 games, with a scoring potential rated at 50%. Accounting for this, we anticipate that Albacete, given their offensive capabilities, will likely score a goal or two.

    On the other hand, Racing Ferrol has been scoring an average of 1 goal per game in their last 5 matches, with an offensive potential assessed at 36%. This record suggests Ferrol may struggle to score more than one goal considering Albacete’s defensive prowess.

    Switching our view to the defensive end, Albacete’s potent defense, rated at 57%, lets in an average of 1.6 goals per game over their past 5 games. This implies that there is a moderate chance for Racing Ferrol to score at least one goal.

    Racing Ferrol, with a defensive potential of 43%, concedes an average of 1.2 goals per game over their past 5 matches. Albacete’s offensive capability combined with Ferrol’s defensive score could allow at least one goal from Albacete.

    Given these statistics, a reasonable score prediction might be a tight match with a possible outcome of 1-1. However, predicting the exact score in a soccer game is never straightforward and many variables play a decisive role. Goals are rare events and each one can dramatically alter the flow of the game.

    Remember, even the strongest offensive or defensive records can be disrupted by a simple error, a brilliant piece of skill, or even a bad referee decision. Therefore, it is always advised to account for the unpredictability of the sport when placing your bets. Good Luck!

    Exact result
    Probability %

    Exact result prediction Albacete vs Racing Ferrol
    probability on the offensive and defensive potentials

    To find the best prediction about the Albacete VS Racing Ferrol match, we detail the most important statistics for the football match on 25/03/2024 :

    • Albacete average goals per game in the last 5 games
    • Albacete average payout goals per game in the last 5 games
    • % of games won by Albacete if the club is playing at home : %
    • % move to Albacete if the club is playing at home : %
    • % of matches lost to Albacete if the club is playing at home : %
    • Racing Ferrol average score goals per game in the last 5 games
    • Racing Ferrol conceded on average goals per game in the last 5 games
    • % of games won by Racing Ferrol if the club is playing away : %
    • % moves to Racing Ferrol if the club is playing away : %
    • % of games lost to Racing Ferrol if the club is playing away : %

    Based solely on the statistics of Albacete versus Racing Ferrol, the predictive statistical form exact score is: 🔐-🔐 Unlock VIP Access

    Predictions results

    Winflix Predictions results for Albacete and Racing Ferrol !

    In the recent sports betting scene, the spotlight has been on the teams Albacete and Racing Ferrol. The predictions from Winflix have been turning heads with noteworthy winning streaks.

    For Albacete, their clash with teams such as Amorebieta presented bets favoring Amorebieta or a draw with odds at 1.61, marking an impactful win. A similar scenario unfolded during games against Valladolid, yielding a winning prediction favoring Valladolid or a draw with odds of 1.21. The trend continued in matches against FC Cartagena with predictions favoring Cartagena or a draw with odds at 1.95. Moreover, bets leaned towards a win or draw for the opponents during confrontations with Burgos, Levante, FC Cartagena, Elche, and Oviedo, obtaining odds ranging between 1.39 and 1.65 respectively. However, Albacete’s promise wasn’t disregarded entirely with a victorious prediction for Albacete or a draw during the Huesca match with odds of 1.34.

    The skillful predictions extended to Racing Ferrols’ games as well. Their encounters with Valladolid and Eibar were met with winning predictions favoring Ferrol or a draw, offering engaging cotes at 1.50 and 1.36 respectively. However, bets gravitated towards a win or draw for opponents like FC Cartagena, Racing Santander, Eldense, Levante, Burgos, Espanyol Barcelone and Tenerife; These captured an odds spectrum between 1.23 and 1.61, emphasizing Winflix’s keen prediction prowess.

    Winflix has indeed created a stir in the sports betting community with remarkable success predicting the outcomes of both Albacete and Racing Ferrol’s matches. The precise predictions are a testament to Winflix’s expertise in sports betting, showcasing a prosperous prediction journey. The world of sports betting eagerly awaits the promising future forecasts from Winflix.

    Last 5 winning predictions about Albacete

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    Last 5 winning predictions about Racing Ferrol

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    Frequently Asked

    How to find the best Albacete Racing Ferrol prediction ?

    Finding a prediction for the match Albacete Racing Ferrol can prove to be complicated. But with all the statistics and key figures provided by Winflix, everything becomes much more logical. Winflix is a set of tools and experts offering you numerous exclusive services to make you win all your sports bets.

    The key factors to consider for a successful football prediction for Albacete vs. Racing Ferrol on 25/03/2024 taking place at Estadio Carlos Belmonte are the team's past performances in the Segunda Division championship, their current form, and recent results. Team statistics, such as goals scored and conceded by Albacete at home and Racing Ferrol away, shots on target, and possession of the ball, can also provide valuable insights into the final outcome of this football match on 25/03/2024.

    To assess the current form of Albacete and Racing Ferrol on 25/03/2024, examine their recent results in the Segunda Division, the individual performances of key players, and the tactics used. Teams that have won multiple consecutive matches generally have better form than those who have lost several matches in a row. With the match taking place at Estadio Carlos Belmonte, Albacete might have a slight advantage in this football match.

    Statistics are important in finding the best football prediction because they can provide valuable information about the strength of Albacete and Racing Ferrol, their style of play, and overall performance. An essential statistic is the win rate of Albacete at home and the win rate of Racing Ferrol away, as well as the same for losses. Head-to-head statistics should also be considered for this exciting match on 25/03/2024!

    The individual performances of players from Albacete and Racing Ferrol can be used to assess the probability of a team's victory. Key players who have recently scored goals or are in optimal physical condition can indicate that their team has a good chance of winning this match on 25/03/2024 at Estadio Carlos Belmonte.

    To make a good football prediction and not miss anything, it's important to combine all these different criteria. By examining the past performances of Albacete and Racing Ferrol, their current form, recent results, team statistics, and individual player performances, you can establish a comprehensive analysis that will help you determine the probabilities of victory for Albacete or Racing Ferrol on 25/03/2024.

    Alex - Writter Winflix

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