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    Tipps Feralpisalo Brescia Serie B 01/05/2024

    Last update : 01/05/2024
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    Prediction 1X2 : Which team to bet on?

    Based on past performances and current statistics, a likely prediction would be “Draw or Brescia wins the match”.

    1. The statistics of Feralpisalo’s last five home matches show a poor performance with no wins and four losses. They have also conceded more goals than they have scored (7 against 6), indicating a weak defense.
    2. Brescia, in their last five away matches, has shown slightly better performances with one win, two draws, and two losses. Despite conceding more goals than scored (6 against 5), the results show a certain ability to resist, especially in terms of holding a draw.
    3. In terms of offensive and defensive potential, Brescia seems to have a slight advantage with a slightly better defense (36% against 29%) and also a more powerful offensive potential (50% against 36%). So, if both teams continue their current trend, Brescia has a better chance of not losing the match.

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    Over/Under 2,5: Which bet ?

    Over 2.5 goals

    1. The home match statistics of Feralpisalo reveal a high average of goals per match. In fact, they have scored an average of 1.4 goals and conceded 2.2 goals per match, resulting in a total of 3.6 goals per match, well above 2.5 goals.

    2. Brescia’s performance away from home is also a good indicator of the potential number of goals. In their last 5 matches, they have scored 5 goals and conceded 6, averaging 2.2 goals per match. This indicates that they are capable of both scoring and conceding goals.

    3. Looking at the recent matches of both teams, the goal history is quite high. Feralpisalo had 8 goals in their last home match, and Brescia saw a total of 3 goals in their last away match. These numbers predict that it is likely to see a match with over 2.5 goals.

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    BTTS: Will both teams score ?

    Both teams to score: No

    1. Head-to-head history between the two teams: By looking at their recent matches, it can be observed that Feralpisalo has often struggled to score goals, averaging just over one goal per match, while Brescia has also had difficulties scoring goals away from home, averaging one goal per match. These statistics may indicate that either team could fail to score in this match.

    2. Brescia’s defensive quality on the road: Brescia has shown a solid defensive performance in their away matches, conceding less than one goal per match on average. This suggests that Brescia may potentially prevent Feralpisalo from scoring in this match.

    3. Poor offensive performances from both teams: The statistics show a scoring potential of only 50% for Feralpisalo and 36% for Brescia. These low statistics may suggest that both teams could struggle to score goals in this match, further supporting the idea of “Both teams to not score.”

    Which bet offers an interesting value bet ?


    1. The percentage of draws in Feralpisalo’s home matches is very high, at 80%. This shows that Feralpisalo struggles to take advantage of home turf and often ends their matches without a winner or loser.
    2. Brescia, when playing away, also shows a notable tendency to be involved in drawn matches, with a percentage of 40%. This level of balanced results could indicate some caution or a defensive approach when Brescia plays away from home.
    3. The average goals scored and conceded by both teams are relatively close. With 1.4 and 1 goals per match respectively, Feralpisalo and Brescia have a certain balance of strength, which could lead to a draw.

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    Bet on the exact result

    Feralpisalo 1-1 Brescia

    1. The high percentage of draws: The recent performances of Feralpisalo at home show a draw rate of 80%, while Brescia, away, has a draw rate of 40%. This demonstrates a trend towards draws for these two teams.

    2. Average goals per match: The average number of goals scored/conceded by both teams is close to 1 goal per match. Feralpisalo averages 1.4 goals scored per home match and concedes an average of 2.2. On the other hand, Brescia averages 1 goal scored per away match and concedes an average of 0.8. These statistics are consistent with a final score of 1-1.

    3. Solid defenses: Both teams have solid defenses, with a defensive potential of 79% for Feralpisalo and 29% for Brescia. This could limit the number of goals scored in the match, making a final score of 1-1 plausible.

    Game Analysis and Key Facts

    Team Form

    Feralpisalo struggles at home, failing to win any of their last 5 matches. With an 80% draw rate, their defensive solidity seems remarkable. However, 6 goals scored against 7 conceded points to a vulnerable defense, but an equally resilient attack.

    Brescia, on the other hand, does not shine away from home either, with only a 20% win rate. A 40% draw rate and a total of 5 goals scored against 6 conceded points show a comparable performance. Their attack appears slightly weaker, but they are solid in defense.

    Detailed analysis reveals that Feralpisalo has a 50% offensive and 79% defensive potential, with an average of 1.4 goals per match. Brescia, with an away goal average of 1, has a 36% offensive and 29% defensive potential.

    Based on this data, a match with under 3.5 goals is likely. Furthermore, there is a high probability (100%, according to the data) that both teams will fail to score.

    Looking at previous match results, Feralpisalo struggles to keep a clean sheet, suffering defeats against Como, Parme, Sampdoria, and Ascoli. Brescia has also struggled away from home, with losses against Venezia and Parme.

    These findings suggest the match could end in a draw or a narrow margin victory, with low chances of both teams scoring.

    The potential number of goals

    Feralpisalo, playing at home, has not been winning recently. They have scored 6 goals and conceded 7 in their last 5 matches. Their attack is average, but the defense is leaky with a 79% rate.

    Brescia, away from home, has a low win rate, 20%. They have scored 5 goals and conceded 6 on their travels. Offensively, they are struggling, but defensively solid.

    In recent head-to-heads, Feralpisalo has struggled at home. Brescia, on the other hand, has managed to hold their own on the road.

    Both teams not scoring is a certainty. Under 3.5 goals and under 4.5 goals are also very likely in this match.

    Prudent prediction: draw with under 2.5 goals. This prediction is based on the recent performances and statistics of both teams.

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    Our conclusions and predictions for this match

    In conclusion, the match between Feralpisalo and Brescia is likely to be a tight contest, which could result in a low score and potentially a draw. The recent statistics of Feralpisalo at home and Brescia away indicate both relatively weak offensive and defensive performances, making the number of goals in this match likely to be low. Therefore, a safe bet for this match could be a draw with under 2.5 goals.

    It’s important to note that sports betting requires not only an understanding of statistics and trends, but also an acceptance of the associated risk. Accurately predicting the outcomes of sports matches is challenging, even for experts and the most sophisticated algorithms. Always bet responsibly.

    Detailed Game Statistics

    Odds & Predictions

    Game Result Prediction Feralpisalo against Brescia on 01/05/2024

    1. The statistics of Feralpisalo’s last five home matches show a poor performance with no wins and four losses. They have also conceded more goals than they have scored (7 against 6), indicating a weak defense.
    2. Brescia, in their last five away matches, has shown slightly better performances with one win, two draws, and two losses. Despite conceding more goals than scored (6 against 5), the results show a certain ability to resist, especially in terms of holding a draw.
    3. In terms of offensive and defensive potential, Brescia seems to have a slight advantage with a slightly better defense (36% against 29%) and also a more powerful offensive potential (50% against 36%). So, if both teams continue their current trend, Brescia has a better chance of not losing the match.

    Result at the end of the game
    Bet option :Feralpisalo to win the game
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Draw
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Brescia to win the game
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Feralpisalo or Draw
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Brescia or Draw
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Number of goals in the game
    Bet option :+1.5 goals in the game
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :+2.5 goals in the game
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :-3.5 goals in the game
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :-4.5 goals in the game
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Both teams to score: Yes
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Both teams to score: No
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Double Chance and Number of Goals
    Bet option :Feralpisalo or Draw and +1.5 goals
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Brescia or Draw and +1.5 goals
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Feralpisalo or Draw and -3.5 goals
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Bet option :Brescia or Draw and -3.5 goals
    Probability of success :
    Odd :
    Live & Match Info

    Live Match: Get all the details about the Feralpisalo vs Brescia match!

    To not miss anything from the Feralpisalo vs Brescia match, Winflix offers you the opportunity to follow the lineups, actions, and statistics of this match on 01/05/2024 in the Serie B live. Lineups are usually available 30 minutes to 1 hour before kick-off.

    Team Lineups: Feralpisalo vs Brescia

    logo team a
    Lineups Feralpisalo
    logo team a
    Lineups Brescia

    Match Highlights Feralpisalo vs Brescia on 01/05/2024

    Don't miss any highlights of the Feralpisalo vs Brescia match on 01/05/2024 at Stadio Leonardo Garilli stadium.

    4'Dimitri Bisoli
    9'Edgaras Dubickas
    25'Fabrizio Paghera
    29'Andrea La Mantia
    33'Lorenzo Dickmann
    36'Davide Balestrero
    42'Andrea Papetti
    46'Massimo BertagnoliMichele Besaggio
    55'Fabrizio PagheraTom Van De Looi
    61'Federico Bergonzi
    72'Massimiliano MangravitiMatthieu Huard
    72'Nicolas GalazziBirkir Bjarnason
    76'Luca FiordilinoAlessandro Pietrelli
    76'Edgaras DubickasMattia Compagnon
    82'Tom Van De Looi
    87'Gaetano LetiziaLuca Giudici
    90'Luca Ceppitelli
    90'Flavio BianchiMatteo Ferro

    Live Statistics for the match between Feralpisalo and Brescia

    All statistics for the match between Feralpisalo and Brescia will be displayed here once they are available live.

    logo team
    logo team
    Ball Possession
    Total Shots
    Shots on Goal
    Shots off Goal
    Corner Kicks
    Passing Accuracy
    Total Passes
    Successful Passes
    Fouls Committed
    Yellow Cards
    Red Cards
    Statistics & 1VS1 Prediction

    Prediction on 1X2: Form comparison Feralpisalo against Brescia!

    logo team

    Form state of Feralpisalo in its last 5 matches


    In its last 5 matches, the team Feralpisalo has victories, draws, and defeats. If you're looking for a forecast for this match, consider that the team Feralpisalo has a form rating of %.

    logo team

    Form state of Brescia in its last 5 matches


    In its last 5 matches, Brescia has victories, draws, and defeats. If you're looking for a forecast for this match, consider that Brescia has a form rating of %.

    Statistiken & Torprognosen

    Goal Prediction: In the match Feralpisalo against Brescia!

    logo team

    Average goals scored by Feralpisalo in the current season.

    logo team

    Goals scored by Feralpisalo in the last 5 matches

    Goals per game
    %Attacking potential

    Goal prediction for goals scored by Feralpisalo
    Feralpisalo has scored goals in the last 5 matches, resulting in an average of goals per game. The attacking potential in offense is %.

    logo team

    Goals conceded by Feralpisalo in the last 5 matches

    Goals per game
    %Defensive potential

    Goal prediction for goals conceded by Feralpisalo
    Feralpisalo has conceded goals in the last 5 matches, resulting in an average of goals per game. The defensive potential in defense is %.

    logo team

    Average goals scored by Brescia in the current season

    logo team

    Goals scored by Brescia in the last 5 matches

    Goals per game
    %Attacking potential

    Goal prediction for goals scored by Brescia
    Brescia has scored goals in the last 5 matches, resulting in an average of goals per game. The attacking potential in offense is %.

    logo team

    Goals conceded by Brescia in the last 5 matches

    Goals per game
    %Defensive potential

    Goal prediction for goals conceded by Brescia
    Brescia has conceded goals in the last 5 matches, resulting in an average of goals per game. The defensive potential in defense is %.

    Conclusion: Which goal prediction?

    From a purely mathematical standpoint, based on the results of the last 5 football matches of Feralpisalo and Brescia, we should have a total of goals in this match.

    Total number of goals based on statistics About goals in the match
    The tool to use: Wingoal

    Compare Over/Under 2.5 for all matches of the day and filter by odds.

    Predict Exact Result

    Exact Result Predictions Feralpisalo vs Brescia: Probabilities for the outcome

    1. The home match statistics of Feralpisalo reveal a high average of goals per match. In fact, they have scored an average of 1.4 goals and conceded 2.2 goals per match, resulting in a total of 3.6 goals per match, well above 2.5 goals.

    2. Brescia’s performance away from home is also a good indicator of the potential number of goals. In their last 5 matches, they have scored 5 goals and conceded 6, averaging 2.2 goals per match. This indicates that they are capable of both scoring and conceding goals.

    3. Looking at the recent matches of both teams, the goal history is quite high. Feralpisalo had 8 goals in their last home match, and Brescia saw a total of 3 goals in their last away match. These numbers predict that it is likely to see a match with over 2.5 goals.

    Exact Results
    Forecast Results

    Forecast results from winflix for Feralpisalo and Brescia!

    The last 5 winning predictions für Feralpisalo

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    The last 5 winning predictions für Brescia

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I find the best forecast for Feralpisalo Brescia?

    Finding a forecast for the Feralpisalo Brescia match can be complicated. But with all the statistics and key figures offered by Winflix, everything becomes much more logical. Winflix is a collection of tools and experts that provide you with many exclusive services to win your sports bets.

    The key elements to consider for a successful football forecast of Feralpisalo Brescia on 01/05/2024 in Stadio Leonardo Garilli are the team's past performance in the Serie B, current form, and recent results. Also, the teams' statistics like goals scored and conceded by Feralpisalo at home and Brescia away, shots on target, and possession can provide valuable insights into the final outcome of this football match on 01/05/2024.

    To evaluate the current form of Feralpisalo and Brescia on 01/05/2024, you should examine their recent results in the Serie B, individual performances of key players, and the tactics used. Teams that have achieved multiple consecutive wins typically have better form than those who have lost several games in a row. Since the game is taking place at Stadio Leonardo Garilli, Feralpisalo could have a slight home advantage in this football match.

    Statistics are important to find the best football forecast because they can provide valuable information about the strength of Feralpisalo and Brescia, their playing style, and overall performance. A crucial statistic is the home win rate of Feralpisalo and the away win rate of Brescia, as well as the same consideration for losses. Also, statistics of the teams' direct encounters should be taken into account for this exciting game on 01/05/2024!

    The individual performances of players from Feralpisalo and Brescia can be used to assess the likelihood of a team's victory. Key players who have recently scored goals or are in optimal physical condition may indicate that their team has a good chance of winning this football match on 01/05/2024 at Stadio Leonardo Garilli.

    To create a good football forecast and not overlook anything, it's important to combine all these different criteria. By analyzing the past performance of Feralpisalo and Brescia, their current form, recent results, team statistics, and individual player performances, you can create a comprehensive analysis that helps determine the probabilities of a win by Feralpisalo or Brescia on 01/05/2024.

    Alex - Winflix

    "Ca arrive..."

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